GAJAR KA HALWA in a Waffle (Carrot Dessert) Microwave recipe- quick & easy

10 fl. oz cooking cream (less than 500ml)
4 large carrots – shredded (1 lb)
200gm sugar
1 cup chopped nuts
Few strands of saffron
1 tsp ground cardamom seeds
Garnish with nuts
1. In a microwave dish/bowl mix carrots with sugar and whipping cream, ½ cover with lid.
2. Microwave on high for 15 minutes, stirring once in between.
3. Remove the lid; microwave on medium high for another 5 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated, stirring twice in between.
4. Stir in chopped nuts, cardamom seeds and saffron, microwave uncovered for 5 minutes or until firm.
Serve warm with single cream or vanilla ice-cream and garnish with chopped nuts.
Can also be served on its own or in a waffle